A Time and Place in Japanese Pop Music - Top 10 Singles [1964.03.07]

 Information sourced from Billboard Magazine's Hits of the World section.

#10. 夕日の丘 - 石原裕次郎と浅丘ルリ子

#9. Lock Your Heart Away - 弘田三枝子

#8. Be My Baby - The Ronettes

#7. さすらい - 克美しげる

#6. Lana - The Velvets

#5. Save the Last Dance For Me - 越路吹雪

#4. I Left My Heart in San Francisco - Tony Bennett

#3. めんどうみたョ - 植木等

#2. 別れの一本杉 - 朝丘雪路

#1. Washington Square - The Village Stompers
