What is this place? Where am I?

Hey there! My name is Lesley, and I’m a musician who likes to dabble in writing, my less-than-firm grasp of journalistic theory notwithstanding. As of the time of me writing this, I am 22 and based in California. It’s currently the August of 2021, and I am experiencing probably the hottest summer I have ever faced since moving here, though it doesn’t hold a candle to the sheer humidity of your average Minnesotan summer.

Anyways, you have stumbled upon my personal blog, where I allow myself to ramble about whatever’s on my mind at any given point. The original idea was for me to create a conglomeration of blogs based on my multitude of interests - a blog dedicated to talking about my own music, one dedicated to movies, one dedicated to weird food reviews - then I realized that would be insanely convoluted and decided to make one singular blog where, to quote Cole Porter, anything goes. (Hi, Wata!)

I’ve been making music for 9 years now, and the project of mine that’s received the most attention thus far is Wolf Circus, hence the title of this blog, which I must attribute to my good friend Peat! I was originally going to use the title for a video series where I’d break down some of my songs track by track, but then I realized I’m really a wreck at trying to explain how I make music without employing some kind of variation of “umm…” or “and, uh…” in between every other word. Hopefully that’s something I can avoid through a written medium such as this, though there are no guarantees.

That said, I’ll be talking about all sorts of things here, not just music. If I want to talk about Kelsey Grammer’s hair throughout the run of Frasier for instance, I will! I’m also very, very fond of pop culture, a fact which may or may not become increasingly obvious the more you peruse this blog.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you’re thirsty there’s a mini-bar to the left. Just don’t make eye contact with the bartender if you can help it.


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